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Antalya Boat Trip Prices

أسعار رحلة القارب أنطاليا

عند معالجة المعالم الرئيسية في أنطاليا ، يجب ألا ينسى المرء بالتأكيد تضمين الظلال الزرقاء للبحر ودفء شمس البحر الأبيض المتوسط. تشكل أنطاليا واحدة من أكثر الوجهات الصيفية شعبية في البلاد ، حيث تتمتع بالقدرة على الجمع بين العناصر المختلفة وجعل عطلتك لا تنسى. من بين الأشياء العديدة التي يمكننا قولها ، أنطاليا هي بالتأكيد جنة على الأرض لمحبي البحر.

الشواطئ الرملية الطويلة الممتدة على طول الساحل الرائع والخلجان المنعزلة وغير الملوثة التي لا يمكن الوصول إليها إلا عن طريق البحر والعديد من الجزر الصغيرة على مسافة قريبة هي بعض الأشياء التي يمكن أن تدفع حماسك عاليا. لذلك ، ليس من قبيل المصادفة أن رحلات القوارب في أنطاليا تحظى بشعبية.

في الواقع ، رحلات القوارب رائعة للجميع. إنها تشكل ملاذا رائعا ، وتوفر إحساسا لا تشوبه شائبة بالاسترخاء ، ويمكنها في نفس الوقت زيادة مستويات الأدرينالين لديك. اجعل عطلتك في أنطاليا مميزة من خلال الانضمام إلى رحلة بالقارب تلبي توقعاتك وترضي اهتماماتك. الخيارات كثيرة وهناك بالتأكيد واحدة تجمع بين كل ما قد ترغب فيه. أدناه ، نقدم بعض رحلات القوارب الأكثر اختيارا في أنطاليا.

Antalya Boat Trips Adult Price Child Price Infant Price
Antalya Green Canyon Boat Trip 35 € 18 € Free
Antalya Pirate Boat Trip 25 € 15 € Free
Suluada Island Boat Trip 30 € 15 € Free
Manavgat River Cruise 22 € 11 € Free
Antalya Daily Boat Trip 25 € 13 € Free
Kekova & Sunken City Boat Trip 35 € 20 € Free
Antalya Scuba Diving 25 € 20 € Free
Antalya Submarine Tour 55 € 55 € Free
Antalya Fishing 50 € 25 € Free

Antalya Green Canyon Boat Trip

For a day full of exploration and relaxation away from the crowds, the Antalya Green Canyon Boat Trip looks like the perfect option. This excursion invites you to explore the majestically beautiful Green Canyon and unfold nature’s charm with a lake boat trip. Set yourself free to relax and create precious memories. The excursion is ideal for people of all ages who are wishing to observe and admire nature at its finest.It includes transfer services, a lake boat trip with swimming stops, lunch, and guiding services.


Read More – Green Canyon Boat Trip

Antalya Pirate Boat Trip

The majority of boat trips aim in offering you relaxation while sailing into the turquoise waters of the sea. The Antalya Pirate Boat Trip is in fact aiming in increasing your excitement and enthusiasm, while enabling you to have fun and party aboard. For this excursion you will be sailing with a specially designed pirate boat. With multiple spacious decks, comfortable outdoor lounges, frequent swimming stops, and a foam party on the boat, there won’t be a doubt moment. The excursion is family friendly as the crew can entertain the children with activities.

Read More – Antalya Pirate Boat Trip

Suluada Island Boat Trip from Antalya

This full day boat trip includes visits at two of the most famous, yet beautiful spots for swimming around Antalya. Suluada Island, even though small in size, can impress you with its turquoise waters and white sands that create an exotic backdrop. The boat trip takes you also to the Love Cave. Relax under the warmth of the sun and swim in crystal clear waters with a boat trip that combines everything you need for a joyful day.

Read More – Suluada Island Boat Trip from Antalya

Antalya Kekova Boat Trip

Explore the magnificent coastline of Antalya with a boat trip that combines relaxation, sightseeing and exquisite views. The Antalya Kekova Boat Trip gives you the opportunity to visit imposing locations, observe the ancient cities of Kekova and Myra, swim at breath-taking spots around Antalya, and create new memories with your friends or family.

Read More – Antalya Kekova & Sunken City Boat Trip

Antalya Daily Boat Trip

Explore unspoiled and charming bays around the coastline of Antalya and have some fun with your friends or family by joining the Antalya Boat Trip. This excursion is ideal for people of all ages, as it allows you to sail with a spacious boat towards the blue waters of the Mediterranean. The schedule includes three main swimming stops. During one of them, you can combine some sightseeing and visit the ancient city of Phaselis. Swim, enjoy the sun, feel revitalized, and get away from the crowds with an unforgettable boat trip.

Read More – Antalya Daily Boat Trip

Antalya Manavgat River Cruise

Visit the city of Manavgat and participate in a river boat trip with a full day excursion that aims in embracing your inner explorer. The Antalya Manavgat River Cruise is ideal for nature lovers as you will have the chance to sail for 3 hours into the serene waters of the river and visit the point where the Mediterranean Sea meets the river. A tranquil setting, a relaxing exploration, many interesting things to observe, and information to learn are among the main highlights of the tour.

Read More – Antalya Manavgat River Cruise

Antalya Scuba Diving Tour

During your holidays you can join boat trips that enable you to enjoy some sea-related activities. The Antalya Diving Tour is one of them. After receiving the introductory briefing by professional and certified instructors, you can dive at two different spots. Each of the dives lasts for 20 minutes, during which you can explore the peaceful underwater world, observe the variety of fishes that the Mediterranean Sea hosts, and understand why diving is considered an exceptional alternative activity. Participation is allowed for people above 12 years old and non-divers are also welcome aboard.

Read More – Antalya Scuba Diving Tour

Antalya Submarine Tour

One of the top alternative boat trips in Antalya is for sure the Submarine Tour. The boat itself can drive your adrenaline levels high. Explore the sea with a submarine and get alternative images of the underwater world. The colourful fishes, the blue shades of the water, and the outstanding sensation of the boat while diving, are some of the highlights of this experience.

Read More – Antalya Submarine Tour

Antalya Fishing Tour

During your holidays in Antalya, you might also choose to join one of the many thematic boat trips and experience something new. With Antalya Fishing Tour you can actually experience how it feels to be fishing in the Mediterranean Sea. In case you are a beginner, there is nothing to worry about.The experienced captain and crew will assist and provide everything you need. You will test your skills at some famous fishing spots in the area and if you are lucky you can catch your own fishes.

Read More – Antalya Fishing Tour

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